Advocate Team Visits MT. TIVY GOLD Crew that Was missing in Mediteranian Sea


Advocate Team Visits MT. TIVY GOLD Crew that Was missing in Mediteranian Sea

Sabtu, 11 Januari 2025, Januari 11, 2025


The Advocate Team represents the legal interests of victims of work accidents on MT ships. TIVY GOLD has arrived at the home of the victim's family named William Tandere. During the visit, the advocates collected formal evidence that would be used for the purposes of a lawsuit against KRONOS SHIPPING.CO., LIMMITED as the company that employed the victim.

From the results of this meeting, the Advocates and the victim's family agreed to take legal action to resolve the industrial dispute between William Tandere's family and the company KRONOS SHIPPING.CO., LIMMITED.

MT ship. TIVY GOLD, which was the scene of the incident, is a tanker ship that often goes in and out of Indonesia to load several important commodities. Currently, based on the information received, MT.TIVY GOLD is at Tarahan Port, Lampung Indonesia.

The case, which has been in the spotlight of various parties, including shipping world experts, legal experts and the central and regional governments in Indonesia, will continue until the demands of the victim's family to obtain their rights in the form of work insurance and immaterial compensation from the KRONOS SHIPPING company are fulfilled.


*Tim Advokat Mendatangi Rumah ABK MT. TIVY GOLD*


Tim Advokat mewakili kepentingan hukum dari korban kecelakaan kerja di kapal MT. TIVY GOLD telah tiba di rumah keluarga korban yang bernama William Tandere. Dalam kunjungan tersebut para advokat mengumpulkan bukti-bukti formil yang akan digunakan untuk kepentingan gugatan terhadap KRONOS SHIPPING.CO.,LIMMITED selaku perushaan yang mempekerjakan korban.

Dari hasil pertemuan tersebut para Advokat dan keluarga korban sepakat untuk menempuh jalur hukum dalam penyelesaian sengketa perselisihan industrial antara keluarga William Tandere dengan pihak perusahaan KRONOS SHIPPING.CO.,LIMMITED.

Kapal MT. TIVY GOLD yang merupakan tempat kejadian perkara adalah kapal Tanker yang sering keluar masuk Indonesia untuk memuat beberapa komuditi penting. Saat ini berdasarkan informasi yang diterima, MT.TIVY GOLD berada di Pelabuhan Tarahan, Lampung Indonesia.

Kasus yang telah menjadi sorotan berbagai pihak diantaranya para pakar dunia pelayaran, pakar hukum serta pemerintah pusat maupun daerah di Indonesia akan terus berlanjut sampai tuntutan pihak keluarga korban untuk mendapatkan haknya berupa asuransi kerja dan ganti rugi imateril dari perusahaan KRONOS SHIPPING dipenuhi.

